Good seed to soil contact is important. If a seed gets hung up on the furrow it will have a hard time imbibing water and germinating. That's where seed firmers come in. Here's what you need to know about using and maintaining them. The Planter Maintenance series is brought to you by Precision Planting.
With a self-described “living laboratory,” Streator, Ill., no-tiller and strip-tiller Larry Tombaugh experiments with biological combinations to help stimulate soil health and add bushels each year.
I ACTUALLY TRIED no-till when I came home from the University of Illinois in 1973. I rented an Allis Chalmers “no-till planter” from the conservation department and it gave my neighbors a good laugh because we were way ahead of the curve.
Parking the plow helped John Macauley cut five passes across the field, save on fuel and labor and maintain yields as he builds a more sustainable operation.
Some farmers dive headlong into changing their tillage practices. John Macauley, who farms 1,200 acres with his father, Jim, in Groveland, N.Y., is proof that transitioning to no-till can be done in steps.
WHEN WE STEP into our office, soil conservation posters serve to remind us why we do the things we do on our farm. Our soils need to be protected and nourished to keep waterways healthy and the nation’s food supply sustainable.
Faced with highly erodible soils on Iowa farmland with multiple contours and 3 to 9 degree slopes, brothers Nick and Mike Hunter made a necessary decision to switch to no-till early in their young farming careers.
When you start talking about ways to incrementally increase corn yields, Rich Schlipf knows there are numerous no-till planter equipment options and add-on technologies to help farmers maximize emergence and uniformity in growth.
King City, Mo., no-tiller Ron Willis discusses changes his family’s made to their 12-row Kinze 3600 split-row planter, including adding Furrow Cruiser closing wheels from Copperhead Ag, to better handle planting corn and soybeans green in spring.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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