Articles Tagged with ''Cover crops''

Can We Talk About Climate Change? Here is What We Agree On

As someone who has now clocked over thirty years of working with farmers and ranchers (and agriculture organizations) on multiple natural resource issues and policies, I can tell you from my experience that people’s opinions on climate change seem to break down roughly into one of four categories.
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Combining No-Till, Covers, Pheasants and Cattle

South Dakota grower Dennis Hoyle shares insights on how he’s been successful with no-till for more than 35 years and integrated cover crops and livestock into the system.

DENNIS HOYLE SAYS that a radio broadcast in 2015 changed his thinking about cover crops and cash crops. 

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National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition

Integrating Livestock with a Cover Crop System

A Kansas grower and livestock producer shares how using graze cropping with livestock has helped accelerated soil health benefits during the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition.
Adding livestock to a cover crop system is considered the last step in bringing cover crops full circle in an operation. One Kansas grower and livestock producer shares insights from 35-plus years of no-till, 23 years of cover cropping and using livestock to increase his soil’s health and productivity while significantly reducing input costs.
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2020 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Cover Crops Work for Dairies, Too

A fourth-generation dairyman shares how the largest automated dairy operation in Wisconsin uses cover crops for soil and water stewardship during the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition.
Dairy operations typically have one primary goal: make as much milk as possible, since that is the product they are paid for. Miltrim Farms, a dairy based in Athens, Wis., seeks to not just produce large quantities of milk, but also to be good environmental stewards of the land and water.
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2020 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Spice Up Corn & Soybeans with Cover Crops

A Kansas grower shares how his family’s no-till operation has successfully combined cover crops with both corn and soybeans during the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition.
Corn and soybeans are the two most common crops grown in the U.S. But many growers who raise those crops might not know how to break the corn and soy cycle to include cover crops.
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2 Cover Crops Have Potential to Reduce Nitrate Leaching

Research results from a study led by Extension specialist Fabian Fernandez at the Rosholt Research Farm in Westport, Minnesota show data from 2016 to 2019 for two cover crop systems: winter rye and Kura clover living mulch. The farm is in the Bonanza Valley and has an irrigation system. Read more in this press release from the University of Minnesota.
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2020 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Fall Cover Crop Summit Will Energize Your Cover Crop Plans

Experienced growers and industry experts to share their best seeding strategies, grazing and feeding tips, variety selection secrets and more at the National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition, Nov. 17-18.
Due to popular demand, the editors of Cover Crop Strategies are pleased to present a fall edition of the National Cover Crop Summit. This free, 2-day virtual event on Nov. 17-18 will feature 6 sessions sharing ideas, tips and information from crop industry experts and growers who have experience using cover crops to maximize economic and soil-health building benefits.
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2020 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Improving Soil Health Through Diverse Crop Rotations Including Covers

Cronin Farms agronomy manager, Dan Forgey, discusses integrating cover crops into crop rotations during the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition.
Diversifying crop rotations can offer significant positive results, improving soil health and boosting biological activity and nutrient cycling. Cronin Farms, a no-till operation based near Gettysburg, S.D., has crop rotations down to a science, including forages and cover crops.
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