Articles Tagged with ''weeds''


Seeing Is Believing With No-Till

When this Ohio farm family started no-tilling, its average corn and soybean yields doubled.
As a spirited young farmer, Von Mohler drove from Sidney, Ohio, to Hopkinsville, Ky., to see no-tiller Harry Young. He didn’t find Young, but did see impressive no-till fields.
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Seed Trait Development Is Hot Item

With today’s emphasis by seed and chemical companies on development of complete crop packages, herbicide development is taking a back seat.
With growers needing to find new ways to take U.S. yields to a higher level to compete with other countries, Rob Neill says increased emphasis needs to be placed on seed treatments, shifting resources to development of new seed traits and developing new pest control compounds.
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Diseases Travel Over "Green Bridge" To Quietly Steal No-Till Yields

Pathogens feed on dying plants then live long enough to prey on newly planted crops1
The so-called “green bridge” could be stealing yields from no-till fields without the growers’ knowledge. The green bridge is the method by which soil and foliar pathogens feed on cover crops, weeds or volunteer crops and survive long enough to infect a new season’s cash crops.
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Stretch Your No-Till Weed Control Power

Whether it’s a surfactant, sticker, extender, emulsifier buffer, conditioner or something else, deciding on the best herbicide boosters to use to control weeds in your no-till operation is no easy task.
No-Tillers rarely apply post-emergence herbicides without an adjuvant, whether it’s part of the manufacturer’s herbicide formulation or is added during tankmixing. But selecting adjuvants is no easy task, with more than 4,000 products on the market.
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New Standards In Weed Control Possible For Little Extra Cost

Research shows inexpensive ammonium sulfate can boost herbicide performance to help control many difficult weeds.
For as little as 20 cents per acre, no-tillers can significantly increase the effectiveness of their post-emergent herbicide applications. The addition of inexpensive ammonium sulfate (AMS) to the tank mix can boost no-till weed control by as much as 41 percent in some cases, according to Bryan Young, a weed scientist at Southern Illinois University.
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Looking Down On Soil Life

What goes on in the top 2 inches of your no-tilled soil is especially important after the growing season.
When you walk across a no-till field, Jill Clapperton says you’re walking on the rooftop of a bustling community. No-tilled soils teem with life, and with the right management techniques, you can use these busy organisms to your benefit, says the the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada soil biologist stationed at the Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
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No-Till Even Works With Strawberries

Strawberries are a perennial crop and effective management of the plant beds has traditionally required annual tillage. However, Canadian and American strawberry growers, as well as researchers, have been successfully breaking out of the traditional confines with no-till.
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Let Cover Crops Trim Your Herbicide Costs

With nitrogen and weed control costs going up, here’s plenty of South America ammunition on the benefits of keeping your no-till fields covered all year long.
If you're looking for ways to trim no-till herbicide bills, research done in Paraguay indicates seeding cover crops can help you get the job done. Keeping the soil covered can be an effective way to reduce weed concerns when no-tilling.
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Shop Talk

New EPA Approvals Coming For Pesticides

On June 16, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered Gauntlet, a new pre-emergence soybean herbicide from the FMC Agricultural Products Group. This herbicide combines sulfentrazone, the active ingredient in Authority, with cloransulam-methyl, the active ingredient in FirstRate, a herbicide which is manufactured and marketed by Dow AgroSciences.
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