With nitrogen and weed control costs going up, here’s plenty of South America ammunition on the benefits of keeping your no-till fields covered all year long.
If you're looking for ways to trim no-till herbicide bills, research done in Paraguay indicates seeding cover crops can help you get the job done. Keeping the soil covered can be an effective way to reduce weed concerns when no-tilling.
On June 16, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered Gauntlet, a new pre-emergence soybean herbicide from the FMC Agricultural Products Group. This herbicide combines sulfentrazone, the active ingredient in Authority, with cloransulam-methyl, the active ingredient in FirstRate, a herbicide which is manufactured and marketed by Dow AgroSciences.
Doug Buhler is as concerned about weeds as any no-tiller. The weed specialist from Ames, Iowa, is apprehensive about the increased resistance to herbicides that weeds are showing in an ever-increasing frequency.
No-tiller Steve Groff told attendees at the 1998 National No-Tillage Conference that cover crops provide his no-till operations with numerous benefits. Groff says cover crops:
It's logical that no-till fields would have more earthworms because tillage isn’t breaking apart their homes. What’s illogical is how after 20 years of no-tillage, Brent Arp saw a sudden decline in earthworm populations.
For an example of the Australian no-tilling experience, Jeff Esdaile advises a trip to North America’s Great Plains rather than an overseas flight to the land of kangaroos.
His hopes were high, but Brock Baker never expected to get a 10-bushel yield advantage and nearly complete weed control with the 280 acres of Roundup Ready soybeans he planted last year.
It makes sense to think that the more inputs you add to a no-till field, the bigger the yield you should expect. But herbicides require different thinking, says Chris Boerboom.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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