Articles Tagged with ''ethanol''


Improved, Simplified Insect Protection Tools Coming Soon To A No-Till Field

Several seed and crop protection companies to expand, strengthen yield protection of corn through new traits and technologies.
In-plant insect protection has long been helping corn producers sleep better at night — comfortable in the knowledge that their fields are safe from at least some of the yield-robbing threats they face.
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Wall Street Takes Notice Of No-Till

Three veteran growers explained the benefits of no-till to top investment fund managers during a recent daylong ag program in New York City.
Taking full advantage of a mid-June opportunity to educate New York City investment fund managers on American agriculture, three outstanding growers made an extremely strong case for the many benefits of no-tilling.
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North American No-Till Network Formed

A new No-Till network, known as the Conservation Agriculture Systems Alliance (CASA), has been formed to help local and regional organizations drive adoption of no-till systems and represent North American interests in international conservation agriculture talks.
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Switchgrass-Based Ethanol Nets Major Energy Gain

Switchgrass grown for biofuel can produce 540% more energy than needed to grow, harvest and process into cellulosic ethanol, according to estimates from a large on-farm study conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
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Maine Taking Steps To Allow Bt Corn

Main has been the only state in the U.S. that doesn’t permit the planting of Bt corn, but that might be about to change. The state’s Board of Pesticide Control licensed the genetically engineered corn this past summer and recently held a public hearing on proposed rules regulating its use in the state. Bt corn could be used for the first time in Maine as soon as 2008.
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Shakeout Reshaping Ethanol Industry

A still-emerging ethanol industry that has already pushed many no-tillers into continuous corn — and which could eventually lead them to new biomass crops or even selling crop residue — appears to be in an early shakeout period.
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NCGA Expects Cellulosic Corn Ethanol

Corn cobs and fiber, along with stover, are likely to remain the main focus for cellulosic ethanol research and deployment in the Midwest over the next few years, according to the National Corn Growers Association. Cellulosic ethanol is made from the woody parts of plants, rather than the more easily refined grain. Cellulosic studies are now moving from basic research to applications, the NCGA notes.
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Scientists Examining Stover Harvesting

Researchers from 13 USDA Agricultural Research Service locations, state universities and the U.S. Department of Energy are finishing the second season of field studies in a 5-year project to determine where, when and how much stover can be harvested for ethanol use without harming the soil.
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No-Till Switchgrass Looking Possible

No-tillers have a stake in the production of ethanol. Currently, most ethanol is produced from corn, which has driven up demand and prices. But the consensus among researchers is that corn grain eventually will be replaced by other raw materials, possibly including crop residue, which could a revenue source for no-tillers.
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