Articles Tagged with ''varieties''

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North American No-Till Network Formed

A new No-Till network, known as the Conservation Agriculture Systems Alliance (CASA), has been formed to help local and regional organizations drive adoption of no-till systems and represent North American interests in international conservation agriculture talks.
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Research Offers No Surprises — No-Till Works For Soybeans

In many areas, no-tilling outperforms more intensive tillage for soybeans even before the savings in time, labor and fuel are considered.
Although more than 40 percent of soybean acreage in the United States is now no-tilled, debate still centers on whether no-tilling or conventional tillage produce the best soybean yields. Extensive data crunching is swaying the debate toward no-till.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

With 70 Sweet Corn Varieties, Timely Planting Is Critical

Paying attention to detail is necessary when strip-tilling and no-tilling a crop that costs as as much as $1,500 per acre to produce.
When we're asked if we “created” our name as a marketing strategy, we are quick to point out we’re the fourth generation of Sweets to grow sweet corn in northeastern Ohio. My great-grandfather Dermott Sweet started the operation in 1880, and for more than a century we were primarily a wholesale company.
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Earn Premiums By Growing Nutritional Soybeans

Iowa no-tillers can earn an extra 25 cent per bushel for growing nutritionally enhanced soybeans in 2005.
In a move to further expand its seed trait business, Monsanto has announced the development and commercialization of linolenic soybeans. This new technology, announced in early September, will help overcome the serious trans-fat health problems that are facing the food industry.
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