Articles Tagged with ''soil types''

Sidedress Anhydrous Without Compromising No-Till

New nutrient applicators allow for sidedressing anhydrous and other nitrogen solutions with minimal soil disturbance, maximum efficiency
Destructive trails left by a shank and knife anhydrous applicator are fodder for no-tiller nightmares. But new low-disturbance applicators mean no-tillers can slip the cost-effective nitrogen source into the ground and leave barely a mark.
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No-Till Notes

No-Till Notes: On-Farm Research Aided By Precision Tools

Replication, randomization of plots with today’s technology can help you learn a great deal about your farm more easily than ever
Guidance systems and control monitors really make on-farm research easier. In the past, it was hard to set up replicated plots, and time consuming to record and weigh the results. Today, yield monitors, guidance systems and rate controllers really make research much easier.
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Dare to Compare

This farmer matches his conversation system to varying soil types
Tim Manchester was nonchalantly looking over yield maps when the clusters of dots representing yields glowed as brightly as a K-Mart blue light special.
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No-Till On The Rocks

When challenges come knocking, this no-tiller uses his keen sense and strategies to make sure they’re only temporary.
“There's nobody else that can do our job as no-tillers,” says Dick Lloyd. “We have to come up with our own solutions.”
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When No-Till Needs A Helping Hand

Varying soil types often calls for equipment modifications, sometimes major ones.
In a perfect world, every farm would have rich, fertile soil in which to plant a disease-free crop with their shiny new no-till planter to sell their product to a more-generous market.
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