Articles Tagged with ''usda''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Takes Time To Learn How To No-Till Slopes That Exceed 50%

Idaho direct-seeder Russ Zenner spent more than 20 years developing rotations and testing equipment to continuously no-till some of the world’s steepest slopes.
When I'm asked what the primary differences are between no-tilling in the Palouse region of Idaho and Washington versus the Midwest, the discussion starts with our steep slopes.
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Corn Rootworm-Resistant Hybrids Need More Nutrients

The larger root mass in hybrids with corn-rootworm resistance function longer and remove more water and nutrients than non-corn-rootworm counterparts.
No-tillers need to pay attention to the extra phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients that corn rootworm-resistant (CRW) hybrids use compared to biotech hybrids without the CRW trait, says Fred Below, University of Illinois plant physiologist.
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Frank Comments

No-Tilling Into Living Grasses

Over the past 38 years, we've produced a handful of No-Till Farmer articles on no-tilling corn and other crops into a living cover, such as alfalfa sod, cereal rye or wheat. But it’s a tricky maneuver and one that has not caught on among many no-tillers.
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