Articles Tagged with ''usda''


Cover Crop Enthusiasm Helps No-Tiller Get More With Less

Spurred on by a payoff in soil quality and reduced inputs, Missouri no-tiller Bruce Bartlett is overcoming cover-crop challenges to improve his no-till system.
Cover crops are driving the roots of Bruce Bartlett’s corn a little deeper into the southwest Missouri soil and delivering bonus fertility to boot.
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Frank Comments

Three Super No-Till Projects

Forty years ago this month, I made my first visit to USDA’s North Appalachian Experimental Watershed in Coshocton, Ohio. Established in 1935, this 1,047-acre facility had been built with depression-era labor from several government assistance programs.
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From the Desk of John Dobberstein

Breaking Through The Wall

Gridlock may be worse than ever among our elected leaders in Washington, but no-tillers may soon benefit from some unusual cooperation among USDA agencies and stakeholders in agriculture.
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Emerging Use Of Drones May Change Face Of No-Tilling

Crop scouting, 3-D mapping, spot spraying and pathogen detection all could be performed by unmanned aerial vehicles to cut labor and input costs and improve decision making.
In the not-so-distant future, farmers wanting to scout fields for diseases and pests, spot spray for weeds or obtain 3-D maps of their farm ground will be turning to tiny autonomous helicopters or planes to do the job.
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