Articles Tagged with ''diversity''


No-Till Innovator Envisions Multiple Cash Crops Planted Together, No Inputs as Future of Farming

Already running a 100% organic no-till operation, Rick Clark continues exploring methods for more efficient, profitable farming
No-Till Innovator Rick Clark of Williamsport, Ind., says diversity is his top consideration in building soil health. His farm fields have 9 different crops growing throughout the year.
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[Podcast] Why You Need Diversity in Your No-Till System

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., the director of the Dakota Lakes Research Farm Dwayne Beck discusses the importance of diversity in a cropping system and the consequences a grower may face if his system isn’t diversified enough.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., the director of the Dakota Lakes Research Farm Dwayne Beck discusses the importance of diversity in a cropping system and the consequences a grower may face if his system isn’t diversified enough.
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South Dakota: One State, Two Trends

An NRCS survey finds no-till acreage increased in the state by 29% overall between 2004 and 2013, but decreased where crop rotations shifted from small grains to corn and soybean plantings.
Last year, the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service conducted a county-level inventory of crop systems in South Dakota to capture a “snapshot in time” of the types of tillage systems being used.
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Double-Cropping Veterans Share Expertise On Wheat, Soybeans

With attention to details, double-cropping systems cover the soil, improve soil health, ward off pests and diseases and protect profits, say veteran no-tillers John and Alexander Young.
The reasons for squeezing a 3-year crop rotation into 2 years otherwise known as double cropping are fourfold. John Young and his son Alexander can attest to them.
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