2009: Charging Ahead With No-Till

Jan. 14-17, Indianapolis • 899 attendees

Co-sponsors, along with No-Till Farmer...

Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers (AgroLiquid) | Agrotain International | Bayer Crop Science | Case IH | Equipment Technologies (Apache) | Exactrix | Goodyear Farm Tires (Titan) | Great Plains Mfg. | Oregon Ryegrass Growers Seed Commission | SFP (Verdesian Life Sciences) | Syngenta | Trimble Navigation

“Since soil fertility is a moving target, soil sample more often than every 3 years.” — Joe Nester, Nester Ag Crop Consultants, Bryan, Ohio


IT’S OFFICIAL. Many states grant pesticide recertification credits to farmers who attend National No-Tillage Conference sessions and sign the required logbooks.

NNTC Insights...

Balance Your No-Till Soils

Along with providing nutrients, Neal Kinsey says no-tillers must maintain ideal balances of air, water, organic and mineral soil components to support the soil microbial life. The soil fertility specialist with Kinsey Ag Services in Charleston, Mo., says calcium and magnesium are critical for soil life since they impact the amount of available air and water in the soil.

“No soil will perform without the proper amount of air and water,” he says. “Once nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur are in line, then calcium and magnesium optimize plant quality, yields and profits.”

For High No-Till Yields, Work Your Plan

National yield champ David Hula says the key to turning out profitable no-till corn yields is coming up with a good plan, following the plan and evaluating the success at the end of the year.

A long-time no-tiller from Charles City, Va., Hula holds the U.S. corn yield record…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.

Contact: lessitef@lesspub.com

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