2001: Expanding The No-Till Toolbox

Jan. 10-13, Cincinnati • 720 attendees

Co-sponsors, along with No-Till Farmer...

Agrotain International | Aventis CropScience | Monsanto | Landec Ag | Na-Churs Alpine Solutions | Zeneca Ag Products (Syngenta)

“No-tillers are the best environmental stewards the nation has, and it offers you the greatest opportunity for profitable farming...” — Jay Lehr, Ostrander, Ohio


ASK AWAY. Finding an answer to every question any attendee could ask about any aspect of no-tilling has been an essential part of each of these mid-winter events.

NNTC Insights...

No-Till Requires Different Equipment, Management Skills

No-till seeding equipment must be able to handle wet soils, heavy residue and soils that have an existing structure built around intensive tillage to get uniform and vigorous stands, says Matt Hagny.

The no-till crop consultant from Salina, Kan., says growers must set aside both outdated equipment and traditional habits that were part of the long history of planting into tilled seedbeds.

Take Full Advantage of Nutrients in Manure

Jim Arnaud says his top cost-saving idea is fully capitalizing on the valuable nutrients in poultry manure. The veteran no-tiller from Monetta, Mo., says manure provides cheap fertilizer and also boosts soil health.

Since the poultry manure decomposes and continues to feed the no-tilled corn crop throughout the growing season, Arnaud can often avoid the expensive cost of sidedressing nitrogen.


CTG February 2017 Contents

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.

Contact: lessitef@lesspub.com

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