The Truth Behind The GMO Nightmare

There’s no doubt, many people are scared stiff of GMOs. And for good reason. But should they be? This British researcher says no—and has the proof to back it up.

Agriculture has seen better days. For the past decade, it seems one thing after the other has stirred up the general public, making them wary of trusting agricultural products, all the while hurting the American farmer in the end—as if the cash market isn’t bad enough.

Think about it. It was about 10 years ago when we first heard of “Mad Cow Disease” that inflicted livestock in England and the people that consumed them. When that started to subside, children started getting deathly ill from eating hamburgers at local fast food restaurants. It wasn’t too long after that when E.coli became a household term.

Now, the hot topic is GMO, and the recent World Trade Organization pandemonium in Seattle proves it.

In a way, you can’t really blame the public. Why should they trust GMOs when they think there could be a possibility, however slight, that it could be harmful?

To offer a genuine understanding of this topic, British citizen and Southern Illinois University researcher, David Lightfoot, brings a breath of fresh air in dealing with those GMO controversies.

Why The Resistance?

“I can tell you why no one wants to eat GMOs in England, it’s called Mad Cow Disease,” the researcher from Carbondale, Ill., explained to 715 National No-Tillage Conference attendees in Des Moines, Iowa, back in mid-January. “The agricultural experts said there was no hazard from Mad Cow Disease and that humans can’t get degenerative neurological diseases from eating prior infected beef. And they said it strongly for…

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