When The Going Gets Tough...

At the eighth annual National No-Tillage conference in Des Moines, Iowa, 715 no-tillers gathered to learn new ways to save money in these extremely tough times.

If there were ever a theme of one of the eight annual National No-Tillage Conferences that summed up exactly what the no-tillers needed, this year’s “Tough Times...Tough Decisions...Prospering With No-Till” said it all.

While conference planners worried that this year’s current economical status might deter no-tillers from attending, over 700 farmers took the opposite approach to find that “one good idea” to help save money and increase yields in the next season. This only proves once more, that when the no-tilling gets tough, the no-tillers get going.

And attendees this year really got things going.

Kicking off the conference was veteran no-tiller and 45-year veteran crop consultant Dave Cole from Prairie du Sac, Wis., in his session entitled, “Never, Never, Never Take Weed Control For Granted.”

“As no-tillers, we can’t afford the luxury of being complacent,” he says. “If you think there are no weeds that can build up resistance to Roundup, think again. Ryegrass and goosegrass are almost there.”

Cole suggests that no-tillers should also stay on their toes for other weeds and crop diseases.

“If the 70s Southern Corn Leaf Blight problem would have happened today, it would cost billions of dollars to farmers,” he says.

While Cole listed 21 weeds that are most likely to become a serious problem to no-tillers, he says six can become no-tillers’ worst nightmare:

  • Giant Ragweed.
  • Wooley Cupgrass.
  • Large Crabgrass.
  • White Cockle.
  • Dandelion.
  • Goosegrass.

But before you start thinking your no-till operation is doomed to be overtaken by dandelions or goosegrass, Cole…

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