Items Tagged with 'economics'


[Podcast] How Much No-Till is Worth, According to Rod Rejesus

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we're joined by Rod Rejesus, who studies economics, land values and crop insurance for North Carolina State University. He and collaborators from other academic institutions authored and published a paper earlier this year showing increased land values corresponding with a 1% increase in no-till adoption at the county level.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we're joined by Rod Rejesus, who studies economics, land values and crop insurance for North Carolina State University. He and collaborators from other academic institutions authored and published a paper earlier this year showing increased land values corresponding with a 1% increase in no-till adoption at the county level.
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2021 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Never Stop Learning at the Fall Cover Crop Summit

Experienced growers who use cover crops and industry experts to share their insights on a variety of topics at the National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2021 Edition, Nov. 16-17.
This free, 2-day virtual event on Nov. 16-17 will feature 8 sessions sharing ideas, tips and information from crop industry experts and growers who have experience using cover crops to maximize economic and soil-health building benefits.
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Making Dollars And ‘Sense’ With No-Till

From spraying to planting to soil sampling, Missouri no-tiller Garrett Riekhof crunches the math on nearly every equipment and precision investment to get the highest possible ‘ROI’ to the bottom line.
When it comes to running a no-till operation precisely and profitably, Garrett Riekhof pushes the pencil on every aspect of his fifth-generation farm.
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Yellow Peas 5

Yellow Field Peas Could Boost No-Till Profits In High Plains

Yellow field peas provide High Plains no-tillers with an excellent wheat transition crop that helps build soil quality and, with recent market developments, have the potential for profitability.
No-tillers across the Nebraska Panhandle and surrounding High Plains region are challenged by low rainfall and high summer temperatures. It’s a double-whammy that limits cropping intensity, as well as crop value.
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Turning Weeds Into Ethanol - Why Not?

Media coverage of the controversy surrounding the use of certain non-native feedstocks for bioenergy is as pervasive as invasiveness itself. Plants such as giant reed (Arundo donax) and elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) are known to be weedy or invasive in natural habitats; the concern lies in their ability to spread propagules into natural habitats outside intended areas.
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Frank Comments

More True No-Till Is Coming

While he doesn't pretend to be an expert on no-tillage, Jim Budzynski has been around agriculture a long time. As a result, the Carmel, Ind., agronomist and soil scientist has developed four “E” barriers to the adoption of any major change in agricultural practices.
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