START AT THE BACK. To trim this seeding attachment, measure forward from the back 3 1/4 inches on the bottom and 4 1/4 inches on the top. Cut slowly with a hacksaw so the molded plastic doesnâ??t get too warm and create problems.

Trim ‘em Back!

No-tillers are eliminating the mud buildup on Keeton seeding attachments by trimming back the plastic tail.

With earlier no-tilling and seeding into wet soils, many no-tillers across the Corn Belt have seen a buildup of mud on Keeton seeding attachments.

Ed Winkle, a crop consultant and veteran no-tiller from Blanchester, Ohio, says the mud buildup and resulting drag on the molded plastic tail often becomes more severe with mid-April no-tilling and mellower soils that develop over several years of no-tilling. Some no-tillers even suspect the units drag seed at the beginning of a row.

“Depending on the soil temperature and time of day, the liquid fertilizer or insecticide that you are running in the seed firming unit’s tube tends to draw in moisture,” he says. “That really aggravates the problem and can lead to mud balling up on the molded plastic tail.”

Data collected by crop consultants and seed companies indicates using these devices can result in an extra 5 to 12 bushels per acre of no-tilled corn.

Winkle says no-tillers have run these attachments with cut-off tails over as many as 6,000 acres without increased wear. “In fact, we don’t know why the designers added all the molded plastic in the first place as you don’t need it in most of our fields,” he adds. “This modified plastic tail will not ball up with soil and will still be able to pinch the seed into the V-slot.”

What To Do

Kevin Reed of Washington, Iowa, finds cutting the tails is not an exact science. He recommends cutting the tail on an angle with a hacksaw…

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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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