Soybean Growth Promoter Offered, While Soybean Fats Being Targeted

No-tillers have another tool to consider using with their soybean crops. Nitragin Inc., a manufacturer of legume innoculants, has introduced Optimize, a soybean growth promoter. According to Nitragin, soybeans treated with Optimize delivered an average yield increase of 3.5 bushels per acre over 3 years of testing.

Nitragin says Optimize accelerates and enhances early season soybean vigor by maximize nitrogen supply, thus helping soybeans reach their maximum protein and oil content, spurs root growth and early canopy closure.

“Optimize stimulates the nodulation process independent of temperature. As a result, it is very effective when used with early planting, and in the cooler soil of conservation tillage systems,” according to the Nitragin announcement.

Optimize is applied as a seed treatment with the company’s Cell-Tech liquid innoculant by local custom applicators. Optimize is compatible with popular fungicide seed treatments and remains effective for 30 days.


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