Researchers in New York have just documented an isolate of Fusarium graminearum from New York wheat that is highly resistant to tebuconazole (an active ingredient in Prosaro, Folicur and others) from just a small pilot survey of New York isolates.
This is alarming because the triazole group of chemicals is the main fungicide tool we have in the fight against vomitoxin.
Be selective about the use of these and other fungicides—every application gets farmers a bit closer to fungicide resistance in fungus populations. Resistant wheat-leaf disease fungi have been found in Europe and the U.S., and now we know that resistant head-scab fungi are out there.
Farmers tend to get the best bang for the buck in Pennsylvania by a single fungicide application to protect the flag leaf as it emerges. In situations where powdery mildew is a problem (high humidity, mild temperatures, heavily nitrogen fertilized, susceptible cultivars grown), an early application of a fungicide can also provide an economical yield benefit.
Be sure the applications fit your situation for disease control. In other words, a fungicide in the tank at topdressing or herbicide time might not give you as much benefit as anticipated when the possible consequences are considered.
The most recent fungicide efficacy chart has been released by the North Central Regional Committee on Management of Small Grain Diseases. This combines data across several states from many different studies to provide information on the most common products and how well they work on our most common wheat diseases.
This helpful resource can be found here:
Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center
While it’s still pretty early to be thinking about wheat head scab, farmers should bookmark this FHB predictor tool. Visit this Web site as your wheat approaches the flowering stage to find out if weather conditions put it at high risk