A variety of topics relevant to no-tillers will be discussed at the KV Mud Creek Field Day, to be held Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The day-long event will be held on Keith Schlapkohl's farm just off of I-80 north of Stockton, Iowa. Field tours will be given, along with agricultural educators sharing their expertise. One topic to be discussed is the concern over Goss's Wilt, and other yield-robbing diseases.
The featured speaker will be Jerry Gulke of The Gulke Group. Other noteworthy speakers will be Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Dan Skow, Dr Arden Andersen and Dr. Mike McNeil.
Topics will include micro nutrients, plant tissue analysis and foliar feeding benefits. A concept planter for the U-Trough approach for placement of nutrients will be on site.
The event is free but pre-registration is requested. More information can be found at www.fhrfarms1.com, or by calling Julie at (877) 907-1444.
BRT Ag and Turf and FHR Farms put the field day together to help educate farmers about the importance of soil and fertility and the concern for crop diseases in the 2011 crop year.
Other sponsors of this event are Greenspire Global Inc., International Ag Labs, Spectrum Technologies and Culligan.