
ON THE MOVE. The Stock Cropper ClusterCluck Nano is a solar-powered, fully autonomous mobile grazing barn designed to boost farm biodiversity through living roots and integrated livestock. During a field day demo, the sheep in the barn had access to the front pen; the rear pen housed several pigs.

Autonomous Mobile Grazing Brings Biodiversity Back to the Land

Moving livestock from place to place is nothing new, but a new solar-powered, autonomous system with integrated water collection may make it easier than ever.

AT THE END of 2019, when corn prices bottomed out at about $2.70 per bushel, Zack Smith realized he would need to find new ways to be profitable on his 305 acres of strip-tilled corn and soybeans. 

With a lifelong interest in conservation, as well a drive to break out of the confines of traditional ag practices, the Buffalo Center, Iowa, grower looked for solutions that didn’t rely on the ‘get big or get out’ mindset.

“The goal was to find a way that relatively small farmers could stay viable without having to just go find another 500 or 1,000 acres to farm,” he says.

Smith considered relay cropping, but his northern Iowa location near the Minnesota border made seeding a profitable third crop a tall order. 

In conversations with friends Sheldon Stevermer and Lance Peterson, strip intercropping seemed like a possible solution — but the idea quickly shifted from focusing only on plants to including livestock in the mix.

“The first idea was just to include a pen of sheep that we would make mobile somehow,” he says. “But everyone says there’s not enough biodiversity in ag right now, so we figured why not make it a three-ring circus of biodiversity with plants…

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Julia Gerlach

Julia Gerlach is the former Executive Editor of No-Till Farmer. She has a lengthy background in publishing and a longtime interest in gardening and mycology. She graduated with a B.A. in music and philosophy from Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wis.

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