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“After two days of listening to success stories, I came home and did exactly what you’re not supposed to — I planted 1,000 of my 1,500 acres to a cereal rye cover crop. So much for starting small…” – David Moose, no-tiller, Auburn, Ill.

Farming 1,500 acres in Auburn, Ill., Moose added cover crops to his operation in 2013 to help boost soil organic matter.

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, we hear about the strategies Moose has used for managing continuous soybean acres, such as widening the rows, cutting populations and using a biological seed treatment to aid in germination. In addition, we hear about his cover crop program, some of the equipment that is critical to his success, including a custom cover crop seeder, a self-propelled sprayer and two ATV sprayers and much more.







Yetter Farm Equipment

No-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment.

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