No-Till Farmer


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September 2016

Volume: 45
Edition: 9

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    Frank Comments

    Grazing, Haying Adds Value

    A RECENT No-Till Farmer poll shows 19% of respondents growing cover crops are grazing livestock on at least a portion of their acres. While there are many benefits for utilizing cover crops in a no-till rotation, these farmers are turning these forages into added profits.
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    What I've Learned from No-Tilling

    Managing Soil Conditions and Plant Health Keeps Yields Climbing

    Constant experimentation and evaluation of his no-till equipment and products help Keavin Hill weed out what really works for his farm.
    I DON’T KNOW if I was just stubborn or what, but I refused to accept that I couldn’t get a good stand through no-till. Now I can happily say we get excellent stands with no-till, but they didn’t come without some growing pains and a lot of tinkering.
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    No-Till and Cover Crops Fixing Soils, Protecting the Bay

    Ronnie and Dwight Forrester are improving nutrient efficiency and soil health on their Virginia farm with variable-rate fertilizer applications and diverse cover-crop mixes.
    Cover crops aren’t exactly a new thing at Holyoke Farms, but they’ve taken on a renewed importance for long-time no-tiller Ronnie Forrester and his son, Dwight.
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    No Magic Formula for No-Till Success

    Concentrating on 10 basic ideas while trimming back acres has helped veteran no-tiller Mike Wolpert enjoy more time with his family.

    WHILE NO-TILLING for more than two decades, Mike Wolpert has pulled together a number of basic success strategies.

    The Hurricane, W. Va., grower started farming with conventional tillage in a partnership arrangement in 1974. The operation took a major financial hit during the 1980s’ “Farm Crisis” due to poor cash flow, expansion at the wrong time, 3 years of low yields due to the weather and low commodity prices.

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    Conservation Keeping Growers Competitive on Heavy, Wet Soils

    The Baileys are seeing yields comparable to their conventional tillage neighbors with no-till while protecting soil and saving on additional equipment expenses.

    GROWING UP on the family farm in Louisville, Ill., Randy Bailey thought the way to farm was to hire labor, have a lot of tractors, discs and rollers and work the land.

    But in the 1980s, just after he graduated high school and took over the farm, the Farm Crisis hit and the equity on his land flipped upside down. After hearing retired University of Illinois agronomist Mike Plumer speak at a Farm Bureau meeting about no-till, he decided to give it a try.

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    Getting a Grip on Palmer Amaranth

    Residual herbicides, intensive scouting and timely post control are crucial to prevent this voracious weed from taking over no-tilled fields.
    ONCE THE SCOURGE of southern farmers, northern growers are now starting to experience the wrath of Palmer amaranth. This rapidly growing and evolving weed has become resistant to multiple herbicides in some states, including glyphosate and ALS and HPPD inhibitors, and has spread as far north as Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.
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    No Magic Formula for No-Till Success

    Concentrating on 10 basic ideas while trimming back acres has helped veteran no-tiller Mike Wolpert enjoy more time with his family.

    WHILE NO-TILLING for more than two decades, Mike Wolpert has pulled together a number of basic success strategies.

    The Hurricane, W. Va., grower started farming with conventional tillage in a partnership arrangement in 1974. The operation took a major financial hit during the 1980s’ “Farm Crisis” due to poor cash flow, expansion at the wrong time, 3 years of low yields due to the weather and low commodity prices.

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    Getting a Grip on Palmer Amaranth

    Residual herbicides, intensive scouting and timely post control are crucial to prevent this voracious weed from taking over no-tilled fields.
    ONCE THE SCOURGE of southern farmers, northern growers are now starting to experience the wrath of Palmer amaranth. This rapidly growing and evolving weed has become resistant to multiple herbicides in some states, including glyphosate and ALS and HPPD inhibitors, and has spread as far north as Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.
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