No-Till Innovator award winner Southern States Cooperative is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2023 with events focused on its customers and employees.
While many cover crops are being planted following corn-soybean rotations to reduce soil erosion, increase soil health, and even for weed control, some producers also desire to use their cover crops for grazing and/or forage.
In developing countries around the world, a new research report indicates that extensive use of no-till could increase corn yields by 20% over the next 36 years. And if irrigation was used in these no-till fields, corn yields could increase by as much as 67%.
In developing countries around the world, a new research report indicates that extensive use of no-till could increase corn yields by 20% over the next 36 years. And if irrigation was used in these no-till fields, corn yields could increase by as much as 67%.
The consequences of plowing farm ground are so serious, John Baker says the implements should have warnings on them similar to cigarettes. We’ve always argued here at No-Till Farmer that tillage is addictive, especially when it’s recreational tillage that accomplishes little or nothing.
Main has been the only state in the U.S. that doesn’t permit the planting of Bt corn, but that might be about to change. The state’s Board of Pesticide Control licensed the genetically engineered corn this past summer and recently held a public hearing on proposed rules regulating its use in the state. Bt corn could be used for the first time in Maine as soon as 2008.
Each year during pheasant and grouse hunting seasons, Ron Swindler’s farm at Mott, N.D., was becoming more and more like a shooting gallery. So the no-tiller decided to do something about it.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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