Items Tagged with 'soil testing'



NNTC16 Audio Presentations

Managing Micronutrients with Soil Testing and Fertilizer - Ray Ward - NNTC 2016 Presentation - MP3 Download


For many years, we’ve considered fertilizer to be nitrogen, phosphate and potash. But as yields have increased, we’ve continued to remove secondary nutrients and micronutrients at greater amounts. Higher yields also increase the daily demand for these nutrients, creating potential micronutrient deficiencies. How can we tell if our crop is deficient in micronutrients? Ward Laboratories founder and president Ray Ward discusses the two methods of evaluation: soil testing and plant analysis, and what the proper sampling protocol is for each. He also explains how to correct micronutrient deficiencies, including the timing of soil and foliar nutrient application for each micronutrient.

NNTC16 Audio Presentations

Soil Testing to Achieve Adequate No-Till Nutrient Levels - Ray Ward - NNTC 2016 Presentation - MP3 Download


Every time we remove crops from the field, we remove all of the plant nutrients. If the soil is short on available nutrients, either commercial or organic fertilizer must be applied to the field to maintain productive yields. But if the soil has a high supply of nutrients, soil testing is a must to avoid over-application, which may contribute to environmental problems. Ray Ward will discuss the essential nutrients plants need and the optimal soil test value of each nutrient. The founder and president of Ward Laboratories in Kearney, Neb., will also talk about the importance of returning animal manures to the fields at proper rates.


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