The future of weed control is tank mixes, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and herbicide efficacy is greatly affected by what exactly is in the mix and how it's applied.
Doug Little, BASF soybean seed marketing manager, provides an update on 10 new soybean varieties hitting the market for 2023. The varieties include the Enlist E3 triple-stack herbicide-tolerant trait to enhance soybean weed control.
When considering a spring burndown of cover crops and weeds prior to planting soybeans, a careful consideration of planting intervals should guide your herbicide selection, says the University of Nebraska.
University of Nebraska Extension recommends applying flumioxazin-based herbicides in soybeans within 3-4 days of planting soybeans, as application after emergence will result in severe crop injury.
Non-GMO soybeans may provide a niche market for growers to make a little more per acre when higher crop prices are needed, says South Dakota State University Extension.
FIGHTING HERBICIDE resistance can be a real challenge for no-tillers with soybeans in their rotation because there are fewer options for weed control than with corn.
The wet season has delayed crop development and post-emergence herbicide applications in many soybean fields, and there are some large giant ragweed waiting to be treated.
Source: By Mark VanGessel, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Delaware
I have had a number of calls about burndowns not being effective for no-till soybeans. Poor control can be attributed to a number of reasons, weeds were too large, gallonage was too low, and wrong products or adjuvants were used. But the question is what to do now.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, 4 Leopold Conservation Award recipients — Russell Hedrick, Richard Lyons, Colleen Kershaw and Wendy Mariko Johnson highlight some of the unique conservation practices on their farms.
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