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8 Tips For Fine Tuning No-Till Planter Performance

No-till planter specialist Dave Dum shares how to properly adjust and maintain some of the key no-till planter parts that will help accomplish a better stand and lead to higher yields.
If seed isn't planted correctly, no-tillers can expect to lose yield before the crop even emerges from the ground. Achieving high-yielding crops begins with a planter that is properly equipped, maintained and adjusted for field conditions.
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The Tools That Get The Job Done For No-Tillers

No-Till Farmer readers sound off about their no-till planter setups and the technology that helps them move residue to get proper seed placement and great corn stands.
Wet fall, wet spring, wet fall, wet spring. It seems no-tillers need to get used to making things work in a more aquatic-type system, our recent survey of No-Till Farmer readers found. In fact, how our readers’ no-till planter setups worked in wet conditions was a common thread in the replies we received.
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test kicker

Get Your No-Till Planter In Good Shape For Spring

Here’s a checklist to help ensure that nothing critical to effective, efficient planting is missed before you head into the fields
Given the importance of uniform emergence and a good plant stand, fine-tuning your no-till planter should be a must before spring arrives. Dave Moeller, an experienced no-tiller and ag consultant who operates Moeller Ag service in Keota, Iowa, offers the following guidelines for getting your planter ready.
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