Items Tagged with 'slopes'



Crop Diversity, Precision Technology Push No-Till Further

Seeing the potential for more than just erosion control, Ohio growers Bret and Gene Margraf overhauled their no-till system by adding wheat and cover crops, variable-rate seeding and fertility and split-nitrogen applications.
Thirteen thousand pounds of residue sounds like a lot to manage, but on Bret Margraf's farm it's not something to worry about.
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No-Till Works Under Tough Conditions

No-till offers more options than other tillage systems with John Aeschliman’s steep slopes, limited moisture and extremely hot summer weather.
No-tilling slopes as steep as 60% that receive as little as 12 inches of annual moisture and summer-time temperatures that frequently run over 100 degrees F., John Aeschliman has been successfully no-tilling in the Palouse area of eastern Washington for more than 40 years.
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8 Areas To Focus On For Higher Wheat Yields

Residue management, proper seeding rates, timely nitrogen applications and scouting for diseases are some of the keys to pushing no-till wheat yields to worthwhile levels
From the Pacific Northwest to the Great Plains to the Eastern Corn Belt, no-tillers John Aeschliman, Dan Forgey, Allen Dean and Romey Bardwell grow different varieties of dryland wheat in different soils in areas receiving vastly different amounts of rain.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Telling The World Why It Should No-Till An Easy Thing To Do

Preserving soil got southeast Iowa farmer Rodger Harrington into no-till, while being profitable kept him in it.
When people ask why I was the first farmer in our area of southeastern Iowa to start no-tilling 28 years ago, I answer that it was bred into me to control soil erosion any way I can — including extensive use of terraces and grass waterways. I couldn’t bear to see all that soil running into streams and rivers. I knew I had to do something to keep that from happening.
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Strip-Tiller Designs Heavy-Duty Machine

Mark Bauer says his Soil Warrior works in all soil types while blending nutrients into zones that don’t wash away.
There's a buzz — some of it positive, some not — coming out of southeastern Minnesota about a new strip-tilling machine. The chatter focuses on Mark Bauer’s Soil Warrior, which he says provides an unprecedented balance between conventional tillage and no-till.
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