At the time of this article’s publication in the Agronomy eUpdate, the February existing stocks order is the last document related to dicamba registration published on the EPA website.
Despite its benefits, maintaining continuous no-till has become increasingly challenging because of the lack of herbicide options for difficult-to-control and herbicide-resistant weeds, as well as issues with stratification of soil pH with increasing soil acidification near the surface.
K-State researchers have found that grazing cover crops can improve soil health in no-till dryland cropping systems, addressing a key concern for producers in water-limited environments like the central Great Plains.
Kansas State University researchers have found that grazing cover crops can improve soil health in no-till dryland cropping systems, addressing a key concern for producers in water-limited environments like the central Great Plains.
Where soybean planting has been delayed (or in double-crop soybean systems), producers should consider a few key management practices. Planting soybeans in the right soil conditions is essential for establishing an adequate soybean canopy and improving the chances of increasing the yield potential.
Rather than focusing on soil carbon sequestration alone, the NSP project will create a pathway for the impact of all practices to be quantified, tracked and verified with the intent to monetize these practices in ecosystems services markets of all kinds with an initial focus on low carbon fuel markets.
The study looked a pumpkin plots in Kansas, where the Halloween staple is frequently grown in rotation following soybeans, and are a staple of agritourism, according to the study published in the Soil Science Society of America Journal.
A team of researchers at Kansas State University, Manhattan, and John Deere reported that they have studied a fundamental way farmers may manage and market crops in the future — analyzing information from remote sensors on and off combines that will ultimately help farmers improve grain protein in crops.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, planter expert Clay Scott gives no-tillers 5 action items to tackle before taking the field this spring. The Precision Planting field support specialist also explains why he tells farmers to plant no more than 10 acres on the first day of planting season.
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