Items Tagged with 'sequestration'


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Carbon Value Questioned

Much of the research data over the past 20 years has suggested that switching from conventional tillage to no-till can sequester more soil-organic carbon. Yet there’s a growing concern among scientists that no-tilling corn and soybeans without cover crops, small grains and forages in the rotation may not be increasing soil organic-carbon stocks to earlier predicted levels.

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Carbon Sequestration In Biomass Crop Production

Findings at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are providing information about the soil carbon dynamics that play a crucial role in lifecycle assessments of bioenergy production. These studies at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA's chief intramural scientific research agency, support the USDA priority of developing new sources of bioenergy.

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Carbon Credit Program Called Misunderstood

Aggregators who collect credits from no-tillers offer details of the program, which now has participants in 21 states.
No-tillers could gain additional revenue by participating in the sale of carbon credits from their fields. While the additional revenue currently averages only $1.25 to $2 per acre, the money can be generated with only a little paperwork.
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Get Set To Cash In On Carbon

No-tillers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to harvesting the economic benefits of carbon sequestration.
When it comes to finding the solution to global warming, no-tillers will definitely play a key role. You may also be eligible to receive some supplemental income for sequestering carbon from your permanently no-tilled fields in the future.
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A Holistic Approach To No-Till Carbon Sequestration

Even if you never earn a dollar from sequestering carbon, it’s still in your best no-tilling interests to do so.
A few years ago, David Dukes, a no-tiller who farms highly erodible land in southwestern Iowa, was interested in protecting his land from erosion. His primary goal: avoid water erosion.
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