Items Tagged with 'Environmental Quality Incentive Program'


Cover Crops Turn Fields Into Buffers

Watching an airplane that traditionally is used to spray row crops during the summer, more than 50 people, consisting of grain growers, agribusinesses and farming organizations, gathered north of Webster City Tuesday to watch a demonstration of aerial seeding of winter rye in a cornfield that was yet to be harvested.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Pays To Listen To Your Dad About No-Till

Twenty-three years after his father suggested they no-till, Wisconsin farmer Dan Stokes no-tills corn as early as possible, grows diverse rotations, custom no-tills and milks cows, too.
Twenty-five years ago, my father, Loren Stokes, and I milked and fed a 100-cow dairy herd and were also tilling about 300 acres of farmland. Needless to say, we were busy daylight to dark. We both decided we were working too hard.
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Getting Uncle Sam To Pay

Before you give up on applying for the government’s conservation incentive programs, here is some information to increase your odds to cash in.
Despite whatever feelings you might have about the government, when it comes to no-till, Uncle Sam “gets it” and offers incentives to help growers adopt or expand no-till operations. That’s the good news.
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The Last Farm Bill Ever?

Jay Lehr says no-tillers are set to profit big-time from the latest Farm Bill
Never one to shy away from his beliefs, Jay Lehr, a senior scientist with Environmental Education Enterprises in Ostrander, Ohio, made a bold prediction about the new Farm Bill at the recent 11th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
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How Will The New Farm Bill Impact No Tillers?

Since many no-tillers already qualify for payments, you’ll be first on the list for 2002 farm bill payments.
Since most no-tillers probably already qualify for payments, the new 2002 farm bill offers plenty of opportunities and should lead to further expansion of no-tilled acres. But if you're just no-tilling corn and soybeans, don' expect that rotation to automatically meet the necessary government criteria in all states.
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