Winter annual weeds will soon be up and it’s time to think about control. Guidance from Penn State University offers solutions for these stubborn weeds and tips for using UAN carriers.
Fall herbicide treatments have come and gone in popularity, but the fact is that fall-applied herbicides can go a long way toward preventing issues with dandelions and winter annuals and maintaining a more problem-free no-till planting environment, says Ohio State University.
Foxtail is a prevalent foe in the northern and eastern Corn Belt, reported by the Weed Science Society of America as the fifth most common weed dealt with by farmers, although it’s not ranked among the most troublesome.
Here are some tips from Kansas State University Extension for controlling weeds in wheat stubble before they go to seed and cause issues with the next crop.
Volunteer wheat can cause wheat streak mosaic virus complex and barley yellow dwarf virus in new wheat, as well as support pest populations and reduce soil moisture content.
Kansas State University Extension provides some suggestions for controlling marestail, velvetleaf, pigweeds, sunflower and cocklebur weeds taller than 6 inches in Roundup Ready soybeans.
To keep yield losses to a minimum, mustards should be controlled by late winter or very early spring, before the plants begin to bolt, or stems elongate.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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