I never was one to like tillage. It just didn’t make sense. You would go through and make a perfect seedbed to plant into and then, without fail, you couldn’t get back in the field with the planter before it would rain. Then you would have to start all over again.
It might be more correct to call this article, “What I’m Still Learning From No-Tilling.” Over nearly 30 years, my farming operation has shifted from customary fall-spring tillage, through a period of detailed research and onfarm studies and finally, 11 years ago, to adoption of continuous no-till.
The web site www.no-tillfarmer.com has been busy the past few weeks. If you haven't taken a look at the site, now is the perfect time. Some of your fellow no-tillers have been chiming in on subjects ranging from the best planters to what rotations work best to the No-Till Farmer's featured topic of problems with dirt building up on gauge wheels.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, young no-tillers James Hepp of Rockwell City, Iowa and Joel Reddick of Bardwell, Ky., share their opinions on what it will take for the next generation of farmers to carry the conservation torch.
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