Items Tagged with 'test'


Still Time To Soil Test Hay Fields

Soil test samples can be pulled any time of the year when the ground is not frozen. Various experts advise to try to soil test at the same season of the year to have a more accurate trend line when you compare fertility levels over long periods of time.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Putting Worldly No-Till Knowledge To Work

After 20-plus years of research, consulting and no-till enthusiasm, ‘No-Till Bill’ has purchased a farm and is taking his own advice.
After years of helping countless farmers make a lot of money, I finally decided to try and make a go of it myself. In 2007 I bought 7,000 acres of farmable ground in northeast Morawa, Australia, and am now officially a no-till farmer and consultant.
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Looking Down On Soil Life

What goes on in the top 2 inches of your no-tilled soil is especially important after the growing season.
When you walk across a no-till field, Jill Clapperton says you’re walking on the rooftop of a bustling community. No-tilled soils teem with life, and with the right management techniques, you can use these busy organisms to your benefit, says the the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada soil biologist stationed at the Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
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Test Plot Design Gets Easier

The split-planter comparison methods provides a simple, reliable way to gather highly valuable on-farm yield data.
Yield monitors are an unparalleled data-collection device for on-farm testing, says Tom Doerge, Pioneer precision farming specialist.
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