Items Tagged with 'sunn hemp'


Cover Crop Considerations after Small Grain Harvest

Cover crops can be used for different reasons, such as to provide soil erosion protection, alleviate compaction, control weeds, fix atmospheric nitrogen for the next crop, harvest for hay, and as a grazing resource. The reason for using a cover crop will determine which species or mixture of species you choose, as well as how you manage it.
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Lady the Cow Enjoys Cover Crops

Ever wonder what cows are doing when we're not looking? Watch this cow's-eye-view of cows exploring and chowing down on a cover crop. Cover crops are an exceptional farming tool to build soil health, stop erosion and retain soil moisture. As it turns out, cows are very fond of covers, too.
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Diversity, Technology Boost Fertility Use, Crop Performance

Working in the Lake Erie watershed with heavy clay soils, no-tillers Les and Jerry Seiler are increasing productivity with their dedication to no-till, crop diversity and precision technology.
There are approximately 60 different soil types in Fulton County, and brothers Les and Jerry Seiler say they no-till crops in about 37 of them.
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Cover Crops Power No-Till Payoff

From conservation to higher yields to reduced fertilizer and herbicide use, cover crops brought an immediate payback for Jacob Farms.
Last summer, when high temperatures in south-central Kansas spiraled above 100 F for several weeks, the benefits of cover crops never seemed so real for no-tillers like Ryan Speer.
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New, Recycled Cover Crops Showing Plenty of Potential

Add more diversity and numerous soil-building benefits to no-till with these up-and-coming options.
Tillage radishes aren't the only cover crop you’ll find growing on Steve Groff’s farm this year. The no-tiller of Cedar Meadow Farm in Lancaster County, Pa., is on a quest to find the next great cover crop for no-tillers.
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