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Best of the Web

No-Till Highlights: Week of April 6, 2022

No-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's realm from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web. “No-Till Farmer's Best of the Web" is brought to you by Mixmate by PRAXIDYN.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

22 Years Of Making No-Till Planters Work Effectively

Iowa planter expert David Moeller goes through the proven tools, setups and adjustments that make no-till work like a charm
Since I opened the doors of Moeller Ag Service in 1989, we've worked with thousands of farmers — some as far away as Australia and New Zealand — on selection of planter attachments for no-till, as well as making adjustments that assure the seedbed preparation and seed placement needed for uniform stands and the highest yields.
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Build Mounds Carefully To Make Strip-Tilling Succeed

Successful strip-tiller says mound height sheds excess moisture and provides a suitable seedbed for early planting.
“Mound height is the key to successful strip tilling, but I see a lot of people who don’t pay a lot of attention to the mound height,” says Jim Kinsella, who’s been making strip-till work for more than 20 years on his farm in Lexington, Ill.
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No-Till Online

Making Sense Of Sidedressing Anhydrous Ammonia

Post your question or offer a response at
Making fantastic use of the No-Till Farmer message board, no-tillers continued to offer help, answers and encouragement to fellow farmers who are hoping that this season turns out to be a profitable one.
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No-TilL Online

Are Martin Spading Closing Wheels Worth The Investment?

No-tillers also debated cross-slot openers, seed firmers and much more at
It was an active month for no-tillers in the field, and on our Web site. Despite being swamped with work, no-tillers found time in their busy schedules to hop onto the Farmer's Forum at and post their questions, answers and findings.
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Spring Strip-Tilling Works!

Tackling the challenges and sticking to the basics can improve your strip-tilling success.
Every no-tiller has one trick or idea that they absolutely can’t live without. For David Linn in Correctionville, Iowa, it’s strip-tilling in the spring instead of the fall.
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