Very early symptoms of many diseases look similar. For example, small yellow flecks may be indicative of several diseases and it can be hard to differentiate them without the presence of more mature lesions (or use of a microscope to examine spores and bacterial streaming).
Widespread use of conservation tillage favors the survival of the Norther Corn Leaf Blight fungus from year to year and hybrid resistance buildup may also be a problem, says Ohio State University Extension.
This may be the year to apply a foliar fungicide to minimize losses from disease. But only tank-mix an insecticide with it after you’ve thoroughly scouted your field.
Disease development in corn is quite early, so significant disease is possible in certain fields and growers are considering a fungicide application to slow its progress.
Corn is all over the board in terms of growth and development, ranging from V6 to R2; Late-planted fields are usually at greater risk for foliar disease development, and reports coming in indicate that gray leaf spot is already present on the lower leaves in some areas.
Western Corn Belt no-tillers have undoubtedly heard about Goss’s Wilt. After a near 3-decade absence, the bacteria reared its ugly head in Nebraska several years ago.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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