Data shows Rhizolizer Duo boosts corn yields by an average of 7 bushels per acre, resulting in a $33 per acre return on investment, and cotton yields by 106 pounds per acre, resulting in a $91 ROI.
In this digital product demo, Locus AG’s Travis Kraft, Director of Row Crops, and Maja Milovanovic, Microbiology Manager, will walk through everything you need to know about biologicals.
RealAgriculture's Kara Oosterhuis talks to Travis Kraft, director of U.S. Row Crops for Locus Agricultural Solutions, at the 2023 National No-Tillage Conference about carbon market models and similarities and differences among the more than 170 different carbon markets that exist globally.
Economic analysts continue to project larger market shares for biological products in the fields. Some researchers, meanwhile, say additional research is needed before scientists can understand how some of the items in the category work, or even if they work.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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