Your cover crop has protected the soil, contributed nutrients and helped enhance soil health. But it has to die for the following crop to reap the benefits.
Whether it’s interseeders, highboys or even robots, manufacturers are taking innovative cover-crop seeding equipment, born in the shops of no-tillers and researchers, and bringing them to the marketplace.
In the near future, more no-tillers and strip-tillers than ever before will be able to purchase cutting-edge, cover-crop seeding machines that used to be reserved for field days, research farms and expert welders.
Well-designed roller-crimpers, and a good management plan, can help no-tillers and strip-tillers smother weeds, improve soil protection and get the most from high-biomass cover crops.
Rolling and crimping tall cover crops can help no-tillers and strip-tillers plant into heavy residue, preserve moisture and, in some cases, reduce herbicide use.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, planter expert Clay Scott gives no-tillers 5 action items to tackle before taking the field this spring. The Precision Planting field support specialist also explains why he tells farmers to plant no more than 10 acres on the first day of planting season.
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