No-tillers looking for a new tool to fight pests might look back at history again and see what a trap crop might do on a small area of their farm. You’ll never know for sure unless you experiment.
BASF Agricultural Solutions has introduced Nemasphere nematode resistance trait, the most groundbreaking innovation in soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management in over 60 years.
Holganix patented a microbial bionematicide product that intended to be environmentally friendly reduce plant parasitic nematodes by over 75% in preliminary studies.
The new digital tool uses a unique, proprietary algorithm to analyze images of fields obtained by satellites, allowing it to identify areas of high infestations of plant-parasitic nematodes in crops and estimate potential losses caused by these microscopic parasites.
There is an increasing interest regarding the potential for cover crops and soybean cyst nematode to interact in the field. Particularly with the possibility that cover crops could decrease soybean cyst nematoden numbers.
Fall time is the best time of year to sample and test the soil for soybean cyst nematode in hopes of managing this silent killer of soybean yields, says South Dakota State University Extension.
Loading reduction targets for phosphorus — particularly those aimed at reducing losses of dissolved phosphate — may not be met through soil health alone, and definitely require attention to nutrient application placement and timing as well, says the International Plant Nutrition Institute.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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