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Hoping for a full-scale product launch in 2025, Lemken brings the Equalizer no-till drill to Canada to begin testing its capabilities on various soil-types.
Mounting Pöttinger's TEGOSEM 500 Cover Crop Sowing Unit on a TERRASEM Mulch Seed Drill lets the user apply an additional companion crop or micro-granule component while drilling seed and depositing fertilizer using the seed coulters and fertilizer coulters on the seed drill.
S.I. Distributing's Precision Planter Solutions Flange Bushing Rebuild Kits for Parallel Linkage Arms make old and worn planter parallel linkage arms better than new.
Schaffert Mfg.'s Graham 4-Link Force Closing Wheel System offers wireless row level controls and monitoring, including as-applied mapping and statistics, utilizing the Graham Command Pro tablet.
The “straight-across” depth selection is a durable replacement for the light-duty, inferior criss-cross depth adjuster that rattles and wears out. The robust cover plate and ‘T’ handle from Aricks is a much-needed redesign of the traditional diagonal depth selector.
CrustBuster/Speed King's CrustBuster Three-Section 50 Foot All Plant Drill will quickly fold down to a narrow transport width of 16 feet, 8 inches; choice of 7.5 or 10 inch spacing is available.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
Brownsburg Ind. no-tiller Mike Starkey shares his initial reactions to the agricultural funding cuts and federal freezing that the U.S. Government has executed on. While he expresses a general nervousness from his local farming community, Starkey says, “We’re going to somehow overcome if there's any issues with [funding] regardless, because I'm going to continue what I'm doing."
Needham Ag understands the role of technology in making better use of limited resources within a specific environment by drawing on a wealth of global experience to overcome the challenges facing today's farmers, manufacturers and dealers.
The Andersons grows enduring relationships through extraordinary service, a deep knowledge of the market, and a knack for finding new ways to add value as we have done for nearly 70 years.