No-Till Innovator Rick Clark of Williamsport, Ind., says diversity is his top consideration in building soil health. His farm fields have 9 different crops growing throughout the year.
When managers of the Bradford Estates wanted to bring land under direct management, they turned to a farmer with no land. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
Overall, planting green had many benefits. It doubled the cereal rye biomass because it was able to live longer. While it resulted in drier soil at planting, planting green saved soil moisture later in the season and kept the soil cooler.
Adam Chappell remembers when he decided to remove two elements from his farm’s periodic table. Until 2015, the fourth-generation Arkansas no-tiller and 2022 Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners Award recipient had been purchasing the usual rates of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on his family land outside of Cotton Plant, Ark., where he farms with his brother, Seth.
Cover crops can be used for different reasons, such as to provide soil erosion protection, alleviate compaction, control weeds, fix atmospheric nitrogen for the next crop, harvest for hay, and as a grazing resource. The reason for using a cover crop will determine which species or mixture of species you choose, as well as how you manage it.
Nick Vinje discusses his young journey converting his 1,700-acre farm in eastern North Dakota to no-till and his work with researchers testing cover crop ideas.
Split nitrogen applications and cover crops are helping Iowa grower Ed Ulch improve his long-term no-till operation while enhancing the protection of local waterways.
When Ed Ulch took the plunge with no-till during the 1970s, his main goals were economic: cut trips across the field, reduce expenses and hold the line on yields.
A weed scientist shares why effective cover crop termination, choice of weeds a grower is targeting and being mindful of herbicide carryover are crucial for controlling weeds with covers.
When a no-tiller decides to add a cover crop to his farm system, there may be a number of results he’s hoping to achieve, and weed control is likely one of them.
Source: By Sjoerd Duiker, Soil Management Specialist, Penn State University
Small grain harvest has started and some fields are still open after a challenging spring, which means this is a golden opportunity for cover crop or summer forage seedings.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, young no-tillers James Hepp of Rockwell City, Iowa and Joel Reddick of Bardwell, Ky., share their opinions on what it will take for the next generation of farmers to carry the conservation torch.
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