Items Tagged with 'fuel'



Focus on Conservation Fuels Low-Cost Production, Long-Term No-Till Future

Contour farming, no-till, cover crops and a sustainable farming cycle are allowing Wisconsin No-TIller Jack Herricks and his family to remain profitable and viable for future generations to come.
When Jack Herricks was 12 years old, his neighbor told him something about the importance of conservation that would stick with him through his whole life.
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Trouble Ahead For GPS Reception?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has plans for using the bandwidth next to the GPS spectrum and this could seriously damage the practices of precision agriculture.
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Does Fall Tillage Do More Harm Than Good?

Many farmers insist on tilling in the fall, despite evidence it could do more harm than good, according to an Iowa State University soil management expert.
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11 Things He’s Learned About Strip-Till

20 years after inventing the Corn Belt’s version of the strip-till rig, Richard Follmer shares a few of the practice’s advantages and must-do tips and techniques.
If you haven't heard of Richard Follmer, just know that you've probably used a version of his invention if you've used a strip-till unit recently. The owner of Progressive Farm Products in Hudson, Ill., invented the midmount, dual-placement strip-till toolbar that is being used by thousands of Corn Belt farmers.
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What If A No-Tiller Wrote The Farm Bill

An innovative approach that offers major Farm Bill conservation and environmental benefits is really built around tripling the current no-till acreage.
Since the 1980s, Ray McCormick has seen that the major benefits of no-till include saving fuel, curbing erosion, building soil organic matter, boosting wildlife numbers and protecting the environment for future generations.
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Put Dollars In the Bank Not In Your Fuel Tank

Check these 50 fuel-saving tips for no-tillers.
No-tillers already minimize fuel expenses by not pulling tillage equipment over their fields. But, given the exploding cost of fuel, it can’t hurt to note that we can save even more by ensuring that we’re operating our equipment as efficiently as possible throughout the growing season. Here’s a checklist to help ensure thoroughness in further reducing your costs.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Management Duties And Profits Both Rise In Move To No-Tilling

Switching to no-till doesn’t necessarily mean more free time, but you will trade iron and tractor time for a thinking cap and a fatter wallet.
When people ask me for a quick answer to justify shifting to no-tillage, the best one I can come up with is this: Yield is not measured in bushels or tons per acre. Yield is measured in net dollars per acre. No-tilling equals more dollars in the bank.
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Frankly Speaking

Let's Pay Farmers to No-Till

While U.S. Department of Agriculture officials have been bragging about funding nearly $290 million in renewable energy efforts since the start of the Bush administration, most of the investment has gone to bioenergy and biomass ventures. In fact, much of their comprehensive energy strategy to help farmers reduce high energy costs is simply being promoted without offering any new economic incentives.
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