Cover crops can supply nitrogen (N) to the soil for the subsequent cash crops and this nitrogen credit may be successfully integrated into N management. Recent research by the University of Tennessee is helping answer the question of how much of the N supplied by cover crops is available for the next cash crop.
Interested in increasing planter speed and efficiency? Watch this in field demonstration presented by No-Till Farmer and Meristem Crop Performance™ to learn about Meristem's crop residue breakdown and nutrient release aid EXCAVATOR™. To view any of our webinar replays, you must be logged in with a free user account.]
No-tillers from around the world gathered in the Gateway to the West for valuable lessons in farm management and cutting-edge field research at the 28th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
Nearly 1,000 no-tillers gathered at the Union Station Hotel in St. Louis in January to swap ideas and learn how to improve their no-till operations at the 28th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
A combination of chopping corn residue and applying a biocatalyst can result in better residue breakdown and higher corn yields, says work from the University of Illinois.
A combination of chopping corn residue and applying a biocatalyst can result in better residue breakdown and higher corn yields, says work from the University of Illinois.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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