Items Tagged with 'Cincinnati'



No-Tillers Fill Up On Knowledge At Record Event

More than 800 growers from the U.S., Canada and even Africa flocked to the 19th annual National No-Tillage Conference to find new ways of boosting productivity and profits.
No-tillers logged hundreds or even thousands of miles to network, learn and inquire as the 19th annual National No-Tillage Conference (NNTC) in Cincinnati went down as a record-setting event.
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The Sweet Stench Of Conservation

If you are going to use radishes as a cover crop — and you certainly ought to consider them if they fit in your rotation and meet your objectives — you may want to take a special note of one of the side effects of these natural compaction relievers.
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No-Tillers Soak Up Profit-Building Ideas At NNTC In Cincinnati

From continuous corn residue challenges to rent negotiations to cover crops and fertilizer management, 766 attendees found plenty of knowledgable tips to improve their no-till systems.
Their optimism as warm as the record-high temperatures that welcomed them in Cincinnati, no-tillers making up one of the largest crowds in the 16-year history of the National No-Tillage Conference eagerly absorbed information from top-notch presenters, as well as each other.
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No-Till Payback

Prize winner gives his winnings to the no-tiller that got him started
When given the opportunity, most people show appreciation for someone who has helped them out. That’s exactly what no-tiller Herb Lofty of Richfield, Wis., did in January at the 2001 National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati.
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New Products To Battle No-Till Corn Weeds, Insects

National No-Tillage Conference attendees heard fresh ideas on attacking both weeds and insects in no-tilled corn.
One of the hot topics at the National No-Tillage Conference held in Cincinnati was corn herbicides. Sara Gehant, technical support representative, Syngenta; David Lamore, technical service representative, Aventis CropScience; and Paul Sprangle, agronomy research manager, Monsanto; addressed issues on combatting corn weeds and introduced seven new products.
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Strip Till Vs. No-Till?

While some readers feel fall or spring strip-tilling can overcome concerns about no-tilling corn, others aren't so sure that this is always the very best way to get the job done. Besides using no-till, many attendees at the National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati felt using residue conditioning machines could help expand the effectiveness of no-tilling corn
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“Your Farming Future Depends On No-Tilling”

By helping protect the environment while trimming your cropping costs, National No-Tillage Conference attendees learned why this system represents the future in efficiently feeding the 19 out of every 20 people who don’t live on farms.
Practically anything you ever wanted to know about no-till was discussed during the ninth annual National No-Tillage Conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in mid-January. Over 700 veteran no-tillers from more than 20 states, Canada and several foreign countries shared their "best of the best"; no-tilling ideas that have worked so successfully with other attendees.
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