Many soybeans are harvested under the 13% definition of a standard bushel, which results in a lower price per bushel, says University of Nebraska Extension.
A simple change in perception is helping growers in Niger make the most of the rainfall they receive and improve the productivity of their dryland crops, beating back the creeping ‘cancer’ of desertification.
Comparing water efficiency data with numerous cropping systems can help you determine which rotations are best suited to maximize available moisture and improve profitability.
No-tillers can harvest more moisture and ‘manage their bucket’ if they focus in improving soil organic matter and water-holding capacity on their farm.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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