Items Tagged with 'John Kemmeren'


[Podcast] 15 Tips from the 8th Annual Class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome Eric Odberg, John Kemmeren and Jerry Ackermann — the 8th annual class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners — to share how they improved their fertility practices.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome Eric Odberg, John Kemmeren and Jerry Ackermann — the 8th annual class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners — to share how they improved their fertility practices.
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Lowering Fertility Needs While Raising No-Till Yields

The 8th class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners credit crop rotation, spoon-feeding and precision technology among their methods for efficient, effective fertility programs.
Three no-tillers were honored for their responsible approach to their on-farm fertility practices at the 2016 National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis earlier this year.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Beating Rain And Taking No-Till To Pasture

John Kemmeren found that purchasing his own no-till drill allowed him to tackle long-overdue pasture seeding and create a better farm system.
Corn isn't king on our farm, even if it is selling for $8 per bushel. I run a 100-cow dairy along with my wife, Dianne, and our two children.
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NNTC16 Audio Presentations

Staring Down No-Till Challenges in a Dairy Operation - John Kemmeren - NNTC 2016 Presentation - MP3 Download


Faced with farming highly erodible hill ground and a strong desire to improve soil life, John and Dianne Kemmeren began no-tilling on their Bainbridge, N.Y., dairy farm 40 years ago. John explains the challenges they face, how they handle manure from their 200-head dairy herd and how they manage a 3-year rotation of hay, corn and cover crops to keep the soil covered 365 days a year. John also shares how healthy, high organic-matter soils have allowed them to cut fertilizer inputs by 75% while increasing yield, and reviews their double-cropping trial results, the growth of grazing corn, interseeding legumes into sudangrass and the use of Italian ryegrass as a nurse crop.


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