Items Tagged with 'Woods end laboratories'


Soil Scientists Using the Solvita IRTH

Woods End Introduces Solvita IRTH

IRTH offers easy, automated monitoring of microbial respiration.
The soil science community now has a new instrument available in their carbon toolbox: a sophisticated yet simple way to measure biological carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
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‘Soil Livestock’ Open the Tap to Increasing No-Till Production

Healthier microbial communities are key for no-tillers to utilize large pools of untapped nutrients underground and increase production without hiking input costs.
NUTRIENT-BASED yield theories have served agriculture for more than 150 years, but the problem, some soil scientists say, is those models were created without any concept of soil biology.
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Fall is the Best Time to Assess No-Till Fields

Harvest time can be demanding, but no-tillers should make time to assess the physical, chemical and biological conditions of their soils.
No-tillers are busy in the fall harvesting their crops and applying fertilizer and may have little time for anything else before winter sets in. However, fall really is a good time to evaluate fields and assess the soil’s physical, chemical and biological conditions.
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No-Till Notes

Simple Steps to Assess the Health of No-Till Soils

No-tillers who are truly curious about soil health should use all the tools available today to measure the biological, chemical and physical nature of their fields.
Soil health seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. We read stories about it, agencies are funding research and education about the topic, experts are giving presentations, scientists are conducting experiments and agronomists and farmers are being trained on it.
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