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[Podcast] Steve Wilkens Overcomes No-Till Corn Adversity

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we're joined by Steve Wilkens who farms about 1,000 acres of Wisconsin ground that his family has worked since the 1850’s. In 2021, Wilkens recorded a yield of 315.4 bushels per acre, enough to claim second place in the Wisconsin No-Till Non-Irrigated category for the National Corn Grower’s Association Corn Yield Contest.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we're joined by Steve Wilkens who farms about 1,000 acres of Wisconsin ground that his family has worked since the 1850’s. In 2021, Wilkens recorded a yield of 315.4 bushels per acre, enough to claim second place in the Wisconsin No-Till Non-Irrigated category for the National Corn Grower’s Association Corn Yield Contest.
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Alfalfa, Cereal Rye Bring Added Benefits to Long-Term No-Till

Milledgeville, Ill., no-tiller Norm Deets finds alfalfa helps speed up the transition to no-till and cover crops hold and build soil in areas prone to erosion.
Being the “scourge” of the neighborhood was one of the biggest challenges Norm Deets faced when he started no-tilling. But after 30 years of committing to the practice, he knows the benefits outweigh the nice look of perfectly tilled soils.
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Adapting to Mother Nature with No-Till, Populations and Fertility

There’s not much a no-tiller can do over late springs or a lack of rain, but with timely planting, precision technology and an effective fertility plan, Joe Zenz is helping his crop as best as he can.
For some farmers, no-till is all they know. That's the case for Joe Zenz, who took up the practice when he started farming 20 years ago. A neighbor of veteran no-tiller Maury McLean, Zenz joined an informal partnership with him and his son Paul in 1996, and learned how to no-till under McLean's guidance.
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Seven Tips For Collecting A Representative Soil Sample

At first glance, soil sampling would seem to be a relatively easy task. However, when you consider the variability that likely exists within a field because of inherent soil formation factors and past production practices, the collection of a representative soil sample becomes more of a challenge.
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strip till bar

No-Till And Strip-Till: The Best Of Both Worlds

Precision technology, cover crops and innovative equipment are helping Indiana no-tiller and strip-tiller Mike Shuter and sons get the most out of two different conservation-tillage systems.
The 1980s were difficult times for farmers, and it was no different for Mike Shuter and his family. Hoping to make due with less, they looked to no-till to reduce fuel, labor and expenses, with the hope of maintaining yields.
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