Items Tagged with 'grazing cover crops'


Grazing Cover Crops Helps Dryland Soil Health

K-State researchers have found that grazing cover crops can improve soil health in no-till dryland cropping systems, addressing a key concern for producers in water-limited environments like the central Great Plains.
Kansas State University researchers have found that grazing cover crops can improve soil health in no-till dryland cropping systems, addressing a key concern for producers in water-limited environments like the central Great Plains.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Efficiency, Diversification & Bold Cropping Strategies Put New No-Tillers Ahead

Jacob & Cassandra Kubik of Walker, Iowa, build on early no-till efficiencies & profits with relay cropping, innovative cover cropping practices & sheep.
Starting a farm from scratch using no-till, EQIP and CSP programs proved the best and easiest path to production for my wife, Cassandra, and me.
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No-Till, Cattle & Diverse Cover Crops Mix Well

The combination of a 3-way crop rotation, covers and grazing is resulting in big savings by reducing the number of tillage passes, increasing yields and improving soil health.
Salem, S.D., farmer Kurt Stiefvater started no-tilling 20 years ago to save soil moisture and save more money by reducing the number of tillage passes. He added small grains and cover crops to the 1,800-acre operation 8 years ago, and those decisions have improved Stiefvater’s yields, soil health and the condition of his cattle herd.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Focus on No-Till, Soil Health Puts Farm Problems Out to Pasture

Veteran no-tiller Terry Ness has found a focus on soil health and diverse rotations can mean reduced inputs and security in the face of weather, insects, weeds and disease.
My soils were on the verge of giving out on me when I finally made the switch to no-till. I’m a first-generation farmer.
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Farming the Drought with No-Till Flexibility

Veteran Kansas no-tiller farms around dry High Plains weather, seeking to eliminate summer fallow when possible and using conserved soil moisture to grow something on every acre throughout the season.
Farming 25 miles southeast of Dodge City in southwestern Kansas with limited irrigation, long-time no-tiller Lance Feikert says it’s difficult to set a rotation schedule and stick with it because of rainfall variability.
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The Impact of Grazing Cover Crops on Soil Health

Cover crops are typically used by producers in dryland no-till cropping systems to improve soil health, reduce soil compaction, enhance nutrient cycling, improve soil structure, and improve water infiltration. Producers may be able to realize some income from cover crops by grazing or haying them. But is this a good idea or will it cancel out any benefit the cover crops would otherwise have on soil properties and residue cover?

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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till, Cover Crops and Cattle Bring Revenue to Offset Tight Margins

Finding ways to extract more income from the same acres carves space for the next generation on this Illinois farm.

WE MAY DRIVE red equipment, but green is our favorite color by far. A perfectly plowed field has nothing on the brilliant green mat dotted with hairy vetch flowers that dominates our tractor cab view when my cousin, Tim Imhoff, and I seed our crops. 

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NNTC16 Audio Presentations

Integrating a Diverse Rotation, Cover Crops and Livestock Into Your No-Till System - Darin Williams - NNTC 2016 Presentation - MP3 Download


Darin Williams wishes he had known about no-till and grazing cover crops when he decided to go into home building after college because he didn’t think he’d make it as a farmer in his community. But since he took up farming in 2010, Williams has been able to grow his no-till operation to 2,000 acres of non-GMO corn, soybeans, wheat, rye, triticale, winter barley and milo, and grazes his cattle herd on cover crops to maximize their investment. Williams also has a flock of sheep and recently added poultry. Considering organic matter to be king on his farm, the Waverly, Kan., no-tiller discusses the components that make up his no-till system, including why he tries to direct-market everything produced to consumers and how he marketed his grain for premiums in 2015.


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