Items Tagged with 'Header'



High-Tech Tools To Manage No-Till Residue From The Combine

New technologies are coming online to help no-tillers spread residue evenly across ever-growing header widths, and set the stage for successful no-till planting the following season.
Had someone told Kelly Kravig 20 years ago that 500-horsepower combines would be rumbling through fields at harvest, the Case IH combine marketing manager and western Kansas grain farmer would have been skeptical at the very least.
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Narrow-Row Corn Head Could Speed Up Harvest

Dissatisfied with his previous corn head’s snapping rollers, Ross Bishop built a 20-inch, eight-row corn head out of International parts in pursuit of a shorter harvest time.
Dissatisfied with his previous corn head’s snapping rollers, Ross Bishop built a 20-inch, eight-row corn head out of International parts in pursuit of a shorter harvest time.
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Take Two Cuts In One Pass

This Washington producer added a second cutter for more effective management of small grains residue.
As Ron Kile began to study how no-till would fit into his farming operation, he had one lingering concern: residue management.
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Residue Management Drives Corn Head Developments

The trend to continuous corn, twin-row corn and Bt hybrids is shifting the task of managing increased residue to the corn head.
It used to be that the primary task of a corn head was to harvest corn: separate the ear from the stalk with as little grain loss as possible, while collecting as little trash as possible, says Marion Calmer, a no-till farmer with Calmer Corn Heads in Alpha, Ill. But as growers look to better integrate field operations, the corn head is playing an increasingly important role in managing crop residue as well.
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Harvest Higher No-TIll Yields

Last Spring, you did all you could to grow the highest possible no-till yields. Now it's time to bring it home.
Some farming innovators maintain harvest is the key to making any no-till program work. You’ve got to spread straw, chaff and stalks evenly across your fields if you want the best no-tilling conditions at seeding time.
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